Okay so just the other day my wife and I sat down and fired up Netflix in hopes of finding something scary to watch, which is always a hit and miss on Netflix. Well that night we found this documentary about the Amityville House called The Real Story: Amityville Horror. We took a moment to decide if we really wanted to sit through another Amityville let down, because just last year we sat down all ready for My Amityville Horror which was another documentary about the house, told through an interview with one of the Lutz kids. That movie was more about a washed up bad boy who had daddy issues than it was about what happened in the house. Watch at your own risk, I almost pasted out three times trying to get through that one. But this one stood out cause it wasn't about the Lutz family but about the Defeo murders.
I'm a true crime junkie so that just pulled me in, that and the fact that through out all these years, after making ten movies no one has every done anything about the case. So we sat down and it was really enjoyable, they talked to a family friend, who answered questions about the Defeos. Then when you thought they were done they took on the Lutz's ghost story about the house, and answered tons of questions. How it started?, Did they know about the murders?, Why was the room red? They moved into that house just a year after the murders. Who does that? Anyway the movie is worth the sit down if you enjoy the Amityville movies or the case or the book which is really good, way better than any of the movies.

Here is my set up for the trailer. You would start off with a shot of black, then fade in wooden stairs. You hear a news reporting of the murders as the camera shows a pair of dirty boots and a rifle make it's way up the steps. Then you here a police officer ask "Why did you do it Ronnie?" The Feet stop at a door and you here the Rifle being loaded. "Why did you do it Ronnie?" You hear two loud blast, then the sound of the footsteps moving faster, a louder "Why did you do it Ronnie!" Followed by two more Shots. The Camera starts zooming out and you see Ronnie kick open the door, it's zooming back racing down the steps, out of the front door, which stays open till the whole house is in the shot. Then you hear two more blast from the weapon and the door slams shut and you hear "You wanna know why?" A laugh and then "Because I could"
Fade to black, pop on the Title in red bleeding letters The Amityville Horror: Night Of Evil or the beginning or whatever you want to call it. I just think that this would be a better movie than watching a house that may or may not be haunted. With that said the movies weren't all bad and as I said the book is great. But this is 2014, time to rethink things and take some risk Hollywood.
Come on I can't be the only one that thinks this.