Now I know I've been away for a while now and for that I'm sorry. A lot of things seem to keep me away from the computer, mostly life, but nothing keeps me away from getting a little horror in my life. These days you can get it any where, there's horror cons, horror movies, horror Netflix Shows (Which I couldn't sit through, I love the idea of werewolves but I really can't stand wolf movies, I don't know why). Yet the number one outlet that I went crazy for was TV. When The Walking Dead started I was Geek boy crazy, not only was it a comic but I could see zombies every week, it was a dream come true, then there came American Horror Story, hell even Zombie Land was gonna take a stab at tv. It pulled me back in time to the Twilight Zone, Tales From The Crypt, And Fear It's Self days. Back when TV gave you a bump in the night and it seems that it doesn't plan on slowing down.
El Rey Network and Robert Rodriguez have teamed up to bring a cult classic to your living rooms. From Dusk Till Dawn is now a blood filled tv show that will take over your home and children March 11th at 9pm eastern. I for one love the first movie, and I was okay with all the ones that followed. I felt it could have been a stand alone movie but I understand there was still money to be made out of it. When I heard it was gonna be a tv show I thought 3 things. One "Finally vampires the way they should be, feared, and crazy" Two "I hope they don't mess this up, I hope they don't mess this up" And three "What the hell is the El Rey Network". Now let me a dress all these statements, from last to first. The El Rey Network is an American TV Channel that targets Latin viewers, sooo yes it will be in English, I would have watched it anyway I just would have had to break out my high school note books. The network came into this world in 2013 and was fathered by the vary man that gave us From Dusk Till Dawn The Show, good old Robert (His a hard worker, a movie, show, channel and I can't even get a blog out, makes you think huh). So moving on three to two.
I'm really hoping that they can bring some of the magic from the movie into the show, but after watching the trailer I kind of feel like they missed the mark. They have a few people from the first movie and it's based off of the plot of part one and set within the world of the other two movies. Meaning we're following the Fuller family and the Gecko brothers but don't be surprised if at some point you see some story about the hangman or a run in with Buck from Texas Blood Money. I like the world and I love the whole idea of the movie, I mean Robert and Tarantino really made some magic there but I'm just not sure here. It seems more darker and they finally get deeper into why Tarantino's character Richie was so damn bat shit crazy. Yet it's just not pulling me in, maybe They'll show us more Next Tuesday when it kicks off on El Rey Network, if you don't have the channel don't worry cause I hear good old Netflix is picking up the show as well. So if Netflix is backing it, it might not be that bad.
I'm sorry I'm getting a knock off Supernatural vibe from it. Two brothers, one that may or may not see
things, take on the demons of hell, in this case the demons are vampires. But still it's horror on TV so check it one here's the trailer to give you an idea of what you're getting into enjoy.
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I'm sorry I'm getting a knock off Supernatural vibe from it. Two brothers, one that may or may not see
things, take on the demons of hell, in this case the demons are vampires. But still it's horror on TV so check it one here's the trailer to give you an idea of what you're getting into enjoy.
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